The powerful legacy of Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Covid-19 Reflections programme has been explored on the fifth anniversary of the pandemic.
The film Reflections Journey tells the stories of the four strands of the Covid-19 reflections project and how the initial idea of a Covid-19 memorial developed into an exciting and diverse artistic programme.​

Reflections Journey on Film​
Reflections Journey tells the stories of the four strands of the Covid-19 reflections project and how the initial idea of a Covid-19 memorial developed into an exciting and diverse artistic programme. This film from Jason Lock looks back at the programme 18 months on, to explore how communities from across the borough responded to the idea, what the impact of their experience was and what its legacy is.

A County looks back on Covid-19
Public Art Curator Cathy Newbery project managed Covid-19 Reflections' Here she shares her experience of facilitating diverse projects that preserved pandemic experiences for future generations​
Reflections – a county looks back on Covid-19 – Cathy Newbery

Space to Reflect -The Little Big Parade
Theatre Porto’s Drama Droplets group explored lockdown experiences and the little things that mattered. 'The Little Big Parade' was loud, thought-provoking, and fun. Read about their experience in this article by journalist Kevin Gopal

How Society Has Changed - A Dog Called Bear
Sam was a lovely puppy before Covid, but lockdown limited his ability to run, play, and socialise. A Dog Called Bear is the community's creative response to his story. Journalist Kevin Gopal spoke to those involved; read their story here.

Experiences - The Exchange
The Exchange captured tears of joy, sadness, and unexpected kindness. Service users and staff from Vivo Care Choices shared their experiences with Filament Theatre Company, to create this artwork installation. Journalist Kevin Gopal explores their journey in this article